An amazing Latino boy surprised everyone last week when he announced he didn't want any gifts for his 10th birthday. Instead, Mario Martinez asked those going to his party to bring money so he could donate it to his local food bank. How is it that someone so young can be so selfless?
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Mario decided to do this because he figured he has everything he needs while there are people "whose fridge is empty" and they barely have "anything in their cabinet," as he told a KSNW reporter. In all, he was able to raise a little over $100 and, at first, he wasn't sure how many people he'd be able to help. Mario couldn't believe it when he was told that thanks to his donation, more than 400 people would be able to eat.
How awesome is that! And his proud mom is totally right, if a 10-year-old is capable of doing something like this, imagine what an adult can do to help out those in need.
I'm sure Mario realized how powerful it is to give instead of to receive. I can only guess that this generous little boy will continue to do good in his own community and hopefully those around him will take his lead.
As a mom, I can't help but wonder how much Mario's mom had to do with this idea. I mean, I imagine she had to explain to him about food banks and such. Or maybe they've volunteered at one before and he realized there are lots of people in need. I don't know, but nothing would make me happier than my kids doing something similar when they get older.
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