Are you ready for a long, hot summer? The blistering heat will likely leave you a sweaty mess, desperately searching for the coolest spot in your home because you have vowed to cut down on energy costs by avoiding air conditioning and the fan?
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but who wouldn't like to save on energy costs in the summer while still staying comfortably cool at the same time?
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Of course you want to be comfortable in your home during the summer heat, but that doesn't mean you have to spend tons of money on energy costs to do it. Cutting down on your energy consumption is not just good for your wallet, it's good for the environment.
I'm not suggesting you do anything too hard either! Just follow these 6 easy ways to cut summer energy costs, and you can send me a gift with all the money you save. Or go ahead and buy yourself something nice for doing your own little bit to help the environment…
Image via Thinkstock
Keep the cool air in!
Use, foam, cauling, or film to stop cool air from indoors escaping outdoors through any leaks in insulation. Also, if you have a window-unit airconditioner make sure it has a tight fit so you aren't paying extra to cool the outdoors instead of your indoors.
Image via This is Awkward/Flickr.
Keep it shady!
Everyone knows that it's cooler in the shade. If you want it to be cooler in your home, made use of some shades on the windows and block some of the sun's heat. Simple, right?
Image via doistrkh/Flickr
Don't cool your home when no one is in it!
If you are not home, do you really need to have your air-conditioning on at full blast? If you've got a thermostat, use it to save you money. Program it so that when you are not home, it let's the temperature rise and thereby saves you money.
Image via super-structure/ Flickr
Power off!
Electronics that are turned off, but still plugged in continue to suck up power and cost you money. To save yourself from this unneccessary expense, you can either unplug them when not in use or use a power strip that lets you cut power when not needed.
Image via Gravityx9/Flickr
Stay away from your oven!
Use your oven during the months that you want to heat your home, not during the months you want to keep it cool.
Image via yvettmn/Flickr
Let there be energy efficient light!
If you have not already outfitted all of your lighting fixtures with compact florescent light bulbs, what exactly are you waiting for? Do you just like throwing money away?
Image via JasonChamberlain/Flickr