Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to my newest hero: Jeff Bliss. It's possible you already know of him as this young man's rant against his teacher has gone interwebs viral because it's AWESOME. Bliss is a sophomore at Duncanville High School in Texas and he has had it with his teacher Mrs. Phung's un-engaging style of teaching. In the clip, he lets her have it in a verbal tirade that he just couldn't hold back any longer.
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Now, normally I am not all gung-ho about students disrupting class and going off on their teachers, but Jeff's impassioned speech speaks to me. He makes sense and his concerns are legitimate. Bliss had no idea that when he gave his teacher a piece of his mind one of his fellow students was recording him. Thank you fellow student because I love that I got a chance to see Jeff school his teacher.
One of my favorite parts (even though the whole thing is pretty much my favorite) of Jeff's rant is when he says:
"Can't expect a kid to change if all you do is just tell him. You gotta take this job serious. This is the future of this nation. And when you come in here like you did last time and make a statement about, 'Oh, this is my paycheck,' indeed it is, but this is my country's future and my education."
Jeff knows what he is talking about. His passion for learning comes from having been a former dropout who came to the realization that without an education, he pretty much didn't have a future. Now that he is back in school, he does not take his education lightly.
The Duncanville school district has not punished Bliss for his outburt, but Mrs. Phung has been put on paid leave while an investigation is conducted.
Watch Jeff Bliss in action…
*Image via YouTube*