Although the Sandy Hook elementary shooting was one of the worst tragediesour nation has seen, it's united everyone in a very positive way. All over the country, people are finding different ways to commemorate the 26 victims of the tragedy. Most notably, Newtown, Connecticut resident Mike Garbowski made up a heartfelt memorial for those who lost their lives.
The 33-year-old put up a 26-slab white picket fence near Sandy Hook elementary with the victims' names written on each one. The reason will tug at your heart strings and may even make you want to visit the site.
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According to Garbowski, neighbors in Newtown have been putting up 26 candles, Christmas trees, and more, as a form of remembering the innocent lives slain on that morning. Although he had no connection to the victims, the shooting hit close to home as he is also an elementary school teacher in Yonkers, New York, and a father of three.
He said he made a picket fence because to him it represents family. "When you hear the stories about the school and how it was before this happened, it was a family," the teacher explained. The fence is currently placed by a firehouse where many of the students went to be safe after the massacre occurred.
When I looked at the picture of the picket fence, I was very moved by how beautiful and touching it was. It was almost eerie to look at and understand the significance behind each name, since it's a tragedy we all wish never happened, and the picket fence is such a symbol of perfection.
What Garbowski did is just one of the many thoughtful acts being done around the nation in memory of the victims. It is a beautiful idea, but it will forever be remembered as the site of the deadliest massacre to date. It's amazing the amount of support the community has received from all over. It shows that on the tragic day, we were all equally hurt by it. We remind the Connecticut town that will never forget and will always be part of the Newtown family after this tragedy.
Image via Daily News