The first thing that came to mind when I heard this story is the Spanish saying: No hay mal que por bien no venga, or, basically, there isn't an evil that comes with a silver lining. A Georgia man, Bud stringer, shaved his head to support his wife, Dolly, who had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was undergoing chemotherapy treatments. Dolly decided to get rid of her hair before chemotherapy did the deed, and in support her hubby, Bud, shaved his own head.
What he found saved his life! Read on to find out what that was!
Bud found a spot that at first he thought was a birth mark. When he asked his mom about the spot, she told him he never had any such mark, which prompted him to get checked out. And can you believe that the spot turned out to be an aggressive form of melanoma? Wow.
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The skin cancer that Bud had turned out to be much more deadly and aggressive than Dolly's own breast cancer–and could have easily killed him had it not been discovered. Doctors said that had Bud not found this cancer, he would have been gone by Christmas.
The couple, according to news reports, has always done everything together–and now, amazingly, they're battling cancer together. Dolly finished her chemo rounds just 2 weeks ago, and Bud is about to start a hard year of chemo for his cancer.
The family remains hopeful, especially after the story behind the way Bud found out about this terrible diagnosis, which makes them believe that they're protected by something bigger than them. "Everything will be okay because God's on our side," a friend of the couple remembers Bud telling her.
We wish this amazing couple well and hope for both their full recoveries! Our prayers and thoughts are with them.
Image via Family Handout