I was thoroughly moved when hearing about Carlos Turner's selfless wish that finally became a reality four years after he passed away. Growing up, Turner suffered from Cystic Fibrosis (CF), a pulmonary life-threatening condition which takes lives at a very young age. Despite his bad health, the lively child was always known to be upbeat and had a special love for cooking. He became close with the staff at the Kosair Children's Hospital where he received treatment for his illness and left them with the sweetest gift he could give them: his secret barbeque sauce.
This story hit close to home because my first love was a CF sufferer, and I remember all the difficulties he would face from it. Although his state wasn't as bad as Turner's or other children with CF, I learned plenty about this illness that few know about. Turner's story moved me because although he was sick and being cared for his whole life, he knew to express his gratitude in a way that the average person takes for granted.
Around the time Turner passed away, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, which grants dying children their wish of a lifetime, helped him make his a reality. While many children wish for trips to Disneyworld or a video game system, he chose a trip to Walmart where he bought kitchen supplies to create his special barbeque sauce that he devoted time to perfecting. The recipe was so secret, he stored the recipe in a safe box much like his idol Colonel Sanders.
Turner's love for the kitchen became important before he died as he secretly teamed up with a Kosair therapist to help mix his passion for cooking and love for those who cared for him during his existence (cue tears).
Turner's final wish was for the sauce to be sold in stores and for the proceeds to be donated to the hospital. At the age of 16, the ill teen knew his time was soon to be up, but he didn't want to go without leaving a legacy behind. He would be so happy and proud to know that 4 years after his death, his secret barbeque sauce is now a sauce sold in Walmart called "Carlos'-Bar-B-Que Sauce." The proceeds are also being donated to Kosair Children's Hospital as per his wish.
Many could learn from this young person who spent his time wisely and selflessly. His parents should be proud that they raised a son who was very kind and thoughtful to those around him. That to me is the key ingredient to living a fulfilling life.
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