In case you haven't heard, this was a great week for going out and buying a lottery ticket. A winning ticket for the $241 million jackpot was sold in Iowa. Not too shabby, huh. So will you run out and buy a ticket the next time the jackpot gets seriously huge?
I know I will, but not without going to my abuelita for advice first. She has given me so much help over the years and always has the best tips and suggestions on everything — from love, jobs, and yes, even on how to win the lottery!
Her first tip? Listen to your body. You might have heard that superstition about money and itchy palms–well, mi abuelita says it's true! Basically if your left palm itches, it means money will be paid out. The more you scratch the itch, the less money you will have to pay. But if your right palm itches, it means money will be coming in so don't scratch or you'll end up losing out! Feeling a tingle in your right palm today? Now's the time to buy your ticket!
Read more ¿Qué más?: 101-year-old abuela sets world record for paragliding, shows you can take risks at any age!
Abuelita also firmly believes in the importance of dreams. According to her, dreams can signify anything from a new romantic interest to an upcoming death. So which dreams should you pay the most attention to when playing the lotto? Any ones in which you see a certain number or certain numbers are recurring because those numbers should be included in your ticket! For example, if everything in your dream comes in 3's or if you dream about losing $20, incorporate those numbers. They could win you lots of money!
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But whatever you do, don't ever buy a lotto ticket after having a dream where you lose a tooth or your teeth fall out! For my abuela, this is one of the ultimate bad dreams since depending on the context, it can indicate death or a bad stroke of luck in your future…not too promising for the lotto!
Follow these tips and trust me–you (and I!) will be that much closer to a winning ticket! After all, my abuela's tips have never failed me before…
Are you superstitious? Will you play the lotto today?
Image via wvracer/flickr