I'm always especially impressed by moms who manage to bounce back to their pre-pregnancy bodies in no time. Seriously, it blows my mind. Fitness Instagram star Tammy Hembrow is no exception. The Australian beauty managed to go back to having killer abs, an insanely toned butt, and tight thighs just two months after giving birth. How the hell did she do this?
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According to Hembrow, her post-baby bod is all thanks to "eating clean" and constant exercise. Talk about dedication. "It's truly incredible what the human body can do," Hembrow captioned one of her photos. "It's so important to love yourself and your body at every stage in your life."
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BJwyPKZBDY-/
But Hembrow also touches on something that's not discussed enough: The importance of NOT comparing your post-pregnancy weight-loss or body to other women. "Every body is different and you should never compare yourself to others."
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BKoqHcGhKB6/
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BKjyssZhYJl/
Let's not forget that Hembrow is also an athlete and fitness mentor. She trains hard five days a week doing a combination of weight training, HIIT, and cardio–and has been doing this for years. That's something women really need to keep in mind when they compare their post-pregnancy bodies to hers. It's important to know that yes, with hard work and dedication you can get your body back in shape. Heck, you can get it to look even better than it did before. But the worst thing you can do is compare another body to your own, because it will never look the same.
Image via tammyhembrow/Instagram