Miss Puerto Rico reveals her shocking weight-loss secrets

If you're looking to have the body of a top beauty pageant contestant and can handle not eating 99 percent of the foods you enjoy, then you'll want to hear how the Puerto Rican Miss Universe contestant keeps her body looking thin. In a recent interview, Gabriela Berríos shared her diet secrets … and frankly, they're a little bizarre. The 24-year-old model said she got into shape for the upcoming Miss Universe pageant by eating only chicken and drinking water for a month and a half. Read on to hear what else she got fit for the biggest pageant in the world.

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Berríos only consumed grilled chicken with salt-free adobo and if she wanted to cheat, she ate a small salad. In addition to severely limiting her food options, Berries exercised for two hours daily with her personal trainer, who was the one who recommended she eat practically nothing in order to shed those last few pounds.

miss universe puerto rico

I always raise an eyebrow when people report on their crazy food obsessions and fad diets. A body needs a variety of nutrients in order to function properly and only eating one type of food group or worse, one type of food, is just detrimental to your health. You need so much more than just proteins! You need fiber, fats and other vitamins and minerals that will keep your body running properly. Otherwise, your body will start deteriorating as it sucks up the reserves it has sorted in its muscles and tissues.

So why did she put herself through that strict regimen? Berríos explained that it's because she wanted to give the public the best representation of Puerto Rico. I'm sorry, but what are we doing to these women? I'm all for getting fit, being healthy, and doing it the right way, but cutting out practically every food group available save for one type of meat cooked in one kind of way just so you can prance around stage and be judged for your looks, doesn't sound sane to me. I also understand wanting to represent your country, wanting them to be proud of their ambassador in the world, but I believe that we drive these women to go to dangerous levels just to win a crown, money, and some attention for a year.

Image via MissUniverse.com