For most of us, body odor is just a natural occurrence and one we try to prevent by washing ourselves and making sure we smell fresh with fragrances. Walk into any drug store and you'll find the shelves lined with yummy body washes, deodorants, body lotions and perfumes. But do you know what the smelly signs are to a more serious underlying condition? When is that smell trying to tell you something else is going on with your body? Below, five reasons why you should pay closer attention to your body odor.
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1. Certain metabolic conditions like trimethylaminuria, in which the body is unable to metabolize trimethylamine in the gut, can lead to a really strong odor of garbage or rotting fish. In fact, this strange smell is the primary symptom of this disease and can be embarrassing when out socializing.
2. If you're suffering from advanced kidney disease, liver problems, or diabetes, it can cause the body to develop bad breath and other bad odors. For a diabetic person, poor hygiene can create a buildup of bacteria in sweaty spots, cause infections and, if left untreated, lead to amputations.
3. Are you super stressed out? Then relax! It's not only wreaking havoc on your mental health, but it could also be the reason why you're feeling more stinky than usual. When it's in this constant state of stress, your body produces more apocrine secretions from your armpits.
4. Pay closer attention to smelly feet that don't shed their odor after a good scrub. It could indicate an overgrowth of bacteria or fungus that needs more serious treatment from a doctor.
5. We all suffer from a bit of bad breath from time to time, but sometimes that halitosis is an indication of infections in your mouth, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or chronic inflamttion in the nose, sinus, or throat.
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