I've heard of dieters eating like birds, pero eating like a dog? Now, that's new. However that's exactly what one woman did. Paleo dieter and avid dog food label reader Anne Kadet says she swapped human food for dog food for a week, and the results were ah-mah-zing. But, is it healthy? She says it is. She ate dog food for six whole days, and even lived to tell about it. This is her story.
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Kadet says she was inspired to try the unconventional diet when she noticed her "dog's high-end kibble, like her paleo diet, is high in protein, grain free, and gluten free," she writes on Ozy.com. Tired of spending tons of dough on fresh produce and carne, Kadet thought "YOLO" and cracked open a can of Alpo. The rest, as they say, is history.
Kadet says the diet wasn't so bad. It took some trial and error, but she eventually found a few wet food brands that were pleasing to her human palate. For instance, she says Simply Nourish and Fresh Pet make the yummiest meals. And she enjoyed noshing on Milk Bones so much, she'd even toss a few down her gullet while strolling through the streets of NYC. Yup, there was absolutely no shame to her game.
However, Kadet admits the diet did have its drawbacks. For instance, going out to eat with friends was nearly impossible. She'd often have to nosh on biscuits to hold her over until she could get home and whip up a bowl of Simply Nourish chicken and carrot bisque. And even then, sometimes the food wasn't worth the wait. She found some of the wet food tasted metallic, and eating kibble for breakfast was tiring. "Dog food requires a lot of heavy-duty crunching," she notes. Then there was the fact that (surprise, surprise) kibble wasn't intended for human ingestion. "Canned food is sterile," offers Marion Nestle, an NYU professor who has written best-selling books on human and pet nutrition."The kibble is not, and there have been many instances of salmonella contamination." Joy!
And yet, Kadet was able to maintain this diet for almost an entire week. By the end of it all, she says she felt great, and had even lost two pounds. "My blood sugar level has dropped to the ultralow end of the ideal range–even better than when I was eating paleo," she raves. However, despite all of its "benefits," Kadet admits she's excited to go back to eating "people food."
Well, this much can be said for Kadet's diet: reading about it made me to lose my appetite. It sounds absolutely disgusting. I have a dog, and let me tell you, nothing about his food seems at all appetizing. It smells, and it looks like it's already passed through someone's body. Thanks but no thanks. This diet is for the dogs.
Image via Corbis