Have you ever checked out The Honest Company's blog? It's the blog of the company that Jessica Alba built. I like to check it out on occasion because Jessica Alba is a constant source of inspiration to me. I've been a fan of hers from way back in the day when she was on the TV show Flipper. I remember the first time I saw her thinking, my goodness, that child is stunning. It comes as no surprise that the stunning child grew into a stunning woman. What's great about Alba is that her good looks are not everything. They certainly haven't hurt her career in Hollywood, but there are a whole lot of brains and thoughtfulness behind that beauty. Alba is a conscientious parent who turned into a conscientious business woman when she started the very successful The Honest Company to create products that parents like her would want in their lives.
Anyway, digging into the food archives the company's blog I found a slimming green smoothie recipe that I cannot resist sharing with you.
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Now, I mention that this smoothie is slimming because it's great addition to your smoothie rotation if you are enjoying batidos to help you with weight loss or to help you maintain a healthy weight, but this particular smoothies is something your whole family will enjoy as well.
It's got kale, strawberries, raspberries Greek yogurt and honey or molasses. The kale in this smoothie is awesome because it's low in calories (hence the slimming), but full of nutritional value. You might have a hard time getting your kids to eat kale in any other form, but in this smoothie, they won't even notice it and if you give it to them around this time of year, you can call it by a clever creepy name to get them even more excited about it.
Goulish Green Smoothie
2 cups raw organic kale
1/3 cup organic raspberries
1/3 cup organic strawberries, quartered
6 oz. organic Greek yogurt, plain or vanilla
1 Tbsp. organic raw honey or molasses
Get the full recipe directions at Honestly.
Image via Thinkstock