Pumpkin madness! I was recently at my local supermarket quietly choosing my groceries when a frantic woman screamed in my ear: "everything pumpkin is here"! She wasn't alone in her enthusiasm for the fall superfood because after she said that many customers swarmed the aisle. 'Tis the season and pumpkin everything is indeed everywhere and for good reason. Pumpkins are one of the healthiest foods and you should eat a lot of them. We'll tell you why.
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In the following gallery we are going to show you why pumpkins are considered a superfood. We'll share with you its health benefits to lose weight, fight infections and other health problems. Yes, the popular orange squash is for much more than just a pumpkin pie!
Image via Corbis
Your heart

Pumpkin seeds are packed with amino acids, vitamins and antioxidants that clean the blood from stored fat and help with heart functions. They're also rich in fiber and women who consume a lot of fiber have a lower chance to develop heart diseases.
Lower cholesterol

Pumpkin seed oil is rich in phytosterols, which help lower LDL or bad cholesterol levels. This oil has the highest concentration of this natural chemical and you should cook with it only. The oil is a powerful antioxidant.
Your eyes

The reason pumpkins are great for your eyesight is because they are super rich in vitamin A. Eat it cooked in a puree to receive all the benefits. One cup contains double the daily amount of recommended vitamin A. It's also rich in beta-carotene, which improves eyesight.
Eliminate parasites

Pumpkin seeds have been used in Chinese medicine for years to treat parasites. They work because of their high cucurbitin content. Cucurbitin is an amino acid proven to kill parasites and eliminate them from your body.
Your immune system

Pumpkin is rich in carotenoids, beta and alphacarotene, which help strengthen the immune system. These vitamins and the amount of zinc present make a powerful antioxidant combination with anti-inflammatory properties. These help the immune system fight infections easily.
To lose weight

Blame it on the fiber. Pumpkins have the highest content of fiber available in any food. A cup of cooked pumpkin will make you feel full for the day. You’ll eat less and therefore you’ll lose more weight. It also helps you go to the bathroom easily.
Your mood

The amino acids, vitamin A and E from pumpkin seeds will change your mood for the better. When you are feeling low or grouchy eat a handful of seeds to wake you up! This combination helps with the production of serotonin, which regulates mood swings.
Your bones

Pumpkins are rich in zinc; cooper, vitamin K and magnesium to help your bones. As we get older, our bone density reduces and this perfect combination of vitamins and minerals will challenge that. Eat a lot of pumpkin seeds to reverse the effects.
Your skin

Aside from the wide array of vitamins and minerals present in pumpkins, they are also rich in fruit enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). These two help regenerate dead cells and improve the texture and complexion of your skin.
Prevents cancer

Pumpkin is part of the superfood’s family and it’s a powerful antioxidant. We already mentioned the carotenoids, which boost your immune system and a strong body with healthy cells is difficult to beat. Eat a lot of pumpkin raw or mashed without sugar to enjoy the benefits.
Lower blood pressure

They are rich in potassium and phytoestrogens, which help lower your blood pressure and prevent hypertension. If you suffer from this condition you should eat a lot of pumpkin in your diet. I’m not talking about pie and artificial pumpkin spice, but the raw squash.
For depression

Depression is the result of a chemical imbalance in the organism. Pumpkins are rich in L-tryptophan, which fill the body with adrenaline and makes you feel happy.