Do you ever sit on the toilet when you're sick, reach over and grab a wad of toilet paper, to blow your nose or cough up some phlegm and then examine the color of your snot and wonder what it means? What? TMI? Oh puh-leaze, we all do it. And the truth is that the color of your mocos really does mean something, so we should look because it gives us a hint as to what is going on with us or our children health-wise.
Okay, you ready to go through the colors of the mocos rainbow together?
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Keep in mind that unless you are a doctor, you are not a doctor. So of course you can get some clues as to what is going on with you by looking at the color of your mucus, but don't self-diagnose in place of seeing an actual doctor. Now, check out what the colors of your mocos are trying to tell you:
- Clear mucus. Well, mucus is supposed to be clear, so good for you! That means you probably don't have an infection or virus of any kind, but if you are producing bucketloads, you should talk to your doctor. You may be making more mucus because of allergies.
- White mucus. Mucus turns white when you are congested and it can't get out. The clear mucus builds up, begins drying up and starts looking white. It can be caused by allergies or even dairy products, which make mucus thicker. White mucus isn't usually a sign of anything serious. Maybe lay off of the dairy for a bit and take a steamy shower to get the mocos flowing.
- Light yellow mucus. Light yellow mucus lets you know that your immune system is doing its job and fighting off what could be a viral infection or maybe a sinus infection. If you have it for more than a week or along with other symptoms like a fever or headache that lasts for a few days, go see a doctor.
- Dark yellow mucus. If your phlegm is dark yellow and thick it's probably "a bacterial infection, sinus infection or lower respiratory tract infection." If you are also having chest pain or shortness of breath, you should go see a doctor.
- Green mucus. Green mucus is a sign that you might have a bacterial or fungal infection.
- Red or brown mucus. Your mocos can turn red or brown because of blood. Maybe you've been blowing your nose a lot and popped a blood vessel.
- Black or grey mucus. Eww, I did not even know that mocos could come in these colors, but they can if you are a smoker or inhale pollutants. People who work in coal mines get black mucus. That can't be good.
- Blue mucus. What?! Blue mucus?! So your mucus can be blue if you inhaled something that color or, there is a bacteria called Pseudomonas pyocyanea that can turn snot blue too. If you have blue mocos for more than a couple of days and you are not a Smurf, go see a doctor, please.
- Pink mucus. So pink mucus can be really dangerous and could even be a sign of chronic heart failure. I say don't take any chances with that, go get that checked out.
Fascinating stuff, no?
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