After the ALS ice bucket craze, a new challenge has popped up__–the one gallon challenge to detoxify your body quickly and easily.__ And just in time, too, because after a summer of indulging and accepting all those BBQ invites, we could probably use a little health kick. But before you balk at the thought of healthy habits and the season coming to a close, read on to learn how to take on this sweet and tasty challenge.
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The one gallon challenge has participants drinking a gallon of cranberry lemonade every day, which, if you ask me, sounds totally delicious, and it's sweetened with stevia and spiced with cayenne pepper. I've never done a detox before, but this sounds like a tasty introduction to it. I've always thought detox juices were filled with greens and slimy concoctions that were less than savory, but this recipe sounds like it'd be effortless and best of all, won't offend my tastebuds.
Drinking lemonade isn't the only step to this detox challenge though. You should also exercise for at least 20 minutes a day to break a sweat. Vigorous routines that make you pant, like jumping rope and jogging will also rev up the detox process. Fasting is not mandatory for a detox, so focus on consuming fresh produce during the challenge.
Not only will you notice an improvement to your skin because of all the water you're drinking, but the extra fluid will clean out your organs and cranberries are extra good for your kidneys and liver. Just be prepared to pee a lot!
For a great cranberry lemonade recipe you can use for the one gallon challenge, click here.
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