You finished your diet, it worked and you are super happy with the new you! As weeks pass by you see a little weight creeping back in and in about six months you are back where you started. Sound like a familiar story?
Don't despair! As you probably know it's easier to lose the weight than to keep it off. Maintenance is tough because our bodies tends to fall into old habits easily—but they don't have to…
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All you have to do is incorportate these easy lifetyle changes into your everyday routineand believe me, it'll be easier than than you think to maintain your new hot body!
Stick to the original plan: In order to keep the weight off you have to behave as if you are still on a diet plan. Most people tend to splurge here and there and before they know it its too late. Stay disciplined until it becomes second nature. You'll pass up the temptation of filling up your plate at the party if you still think you are on a diet.
Glucose check: Sugar cravings are natural and our body ask for it, especially when we are under stress. In order to avoid emotional eating make sure you eat "smart" sweets during the day. Five little dark chocolate covered almonds are great to satisfy that sugar craving. A teaspoon of peanut butter over a celery stick is also a great alternative.
Stand up! Did you know that when the body is in a sitting or lying position is producing fat? This happens because the body is relaxed and our cells are stretched out. We need to move or stand up to use other muscles and shrink those cells. If your job is very demanding, you can invest in a stand-up desk or you can ask your boss to buy a couple of treadmill desks for the office.
The fat gene: We all have it because like most things weight is genetic. So if you have a high percentage of the fat gene you need to break the odds by exercising. You don't have to become an athlete, but you should enroll in some activity every day. Walking is always good, or you can do some jumping jacks while you are watching TV.
Vitamin D: This vitamin is very important because affects a hormone called leptin which helps burn fat. We are all low in this vitamin by nature, so if you are on a diet plan and want to maintain the weight, take supplements. Nutritionist recommends a daily dosage of 1000 mg of vitamin D3 in order to shed the unwelcome pounds.
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