One British woman didn't know what was coming to her figure when she hit menopause and underwent a hysterectomy procedure. The already busty 51-year-old went from a 34D cup size to an 40L leaving her with so much back pain she's had to take morphine pills on a daily basis to deal with the extra strain. She couldn't even stand up on her own or eat at a table because her breasts were so massive! You have to SEE the pics of this poor woman's expanded boobs!
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In a recent episode of U.K. show Embarrassing Bodies, Sharon opens up about her overly-voluptuous body and seeks the help of Dr. Pixie McKenna to reduce the size of her breasts. While most women will undergo plastic surgery to enhance their breast size, those with too much up top will go under the knife to improve their quality of life. Not only was Sharon afflicted with back and neck pain, but sores and rashes would also form underneath her breasts making it uncomfortable to even wear a bra.
And then there's her posture and self-esteem, both of which took a hit when Sharon went into menopause at age 45 and her boobs started dropping right along with her hormones. The less hormones her body produced, the more her breasts grew and sagged. Her husband Sam also noted that her confidence has taken a nose dive over the years because she did like the way she looked. Imagine feeling like you're a stranger in your own body, wanting to hide in shame because it's morphing out of your control.
Thankfully, plastic surgeon Sultan Hassan was able to remove more than 13 pounds of breast tissue during a four-hour operation. Thirteen pounds?! That's like a seventh of my weight! I can't even imagine what it'd be like to have an extra 13 pounds clinging off my chest. I'd be doubled over for sure and needing assistance just to roll out of bed. Sharon is now loving her new body and despite having lost a nice chunk of her body said she feels "more of a woman."
Images via Mirror.co.uk