4 Things you didn’t think you could eat that are actually very healthy

Stop! Don't dump that banana peel or watermelon rind. I've heard that they contain valuable nutrients. That's why, today we want to tell you about some fun ways you can eat banana peels, watermelon rinds and other surprise creations by chef Aldo Zilli, supervised by dietitian Dr. Sarah Schenker. Check out what the chef came up with!

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In my house it is customary to use onion skins to flavor stews, pineapple peels for a slimming drink and crushed egg shells in creams, among other uses you can give to food scraps. But this chef's invention transcends imagination with these bold suggestions that will leave you open-mouthed. Let's check them out!

1. White part of watermelon: That almost flavorless portion of watermelon located between the green rind and the red pulp is more useful than you think. Next time you're tempted to throw it away think twice about it, because it is good for blood circulation and is a great body detoxifier, but that's not all.

Chef Aldo suggests preparing a shake full of vitamins liquefying this white pulp, pieces of watermelon and a splash of lemon. Sounds very refreshing! Another way he recommends using it is by cooking tiny pieces of the white part with sugar and butter, and serving it with ice cream.

2. Pineapple core: It is a high source of fiber and is recommended as anti-inflammatory for post-operative processes or after severe bruising. I usually eat it by itself, but if you do not like the idea, you can follow chef Zilli's instructions: cut it in slices and place them in the oven on a lightly oiled tray, at the lowest possible temperature for four hours. You can eat it as a snack or decorate your sweets with the dried pineapple pieces.

3.Broccoli leaves: Their dark green color is a sure sign of their great supply of vitamins and minerals, according to Dr. Schenker. So rather than wasting them, Zilli says that there are ways of eating them. Boil them, cook them in olive oil, garlic and add them to your pasta. You can also prepare a salad with sliced broccoli leaves, adding lemon, olive oil and garlic. Spectacular!

4.Banana peel: It's super nutritious and also contains serotonin, a natural antidepressant, antioxidant and protector of the eyesight. You'd never think of eating it by itself, but if you put it in a juicer or cook it things change!

Zilli indicates that it should soak in water for several days until tender. Once ready, you can use it in dessert recipes and cakes, like cheesecake. It is super easy! Take the peels, boil, drain and puree them. When the cake is ready, add it on top. If you think banana cake is delicious wait until you taste this treat!

These are just some food ideas that we can make in a nutritious, economic and very healthy way. It's just a matter of trying them. I hope you are, too!

Images via Corbis, Enriqueta Lemoine