The idea of an insect crawling on me while I sleep is enough to give me a panic attack. That's why when I heard about this latest gross bug-related case, I nearly lost it. A 48-year-old Taiwanese woman had been suffering from an extremely painful ear ache for more than a day when she decided to go to the hospital.
The woman who uses a hearing aid on her left ear got the shock that I would never wish on anyone. Doctors found…
Read more ¿Qué más?: Man had disgusting animal living in his ear & it could happen to you!
A blood-stained discharge, but along with that, there was a MAGGOT living in her ear! Doctors said she couldn't tell that there was a bug in her ear canal because her ear canal was sensitive due to the number of years she had been wearing a hearing aid.
But how did a maggot get in there in the first place? The woman's doctors say that she may have gotten it at home because fruit flies like to be around unrefrigerated produce during warmer months. The maggot, which was removed with ease, had caused her ear canal to wear away. She was given antibiotics to cure the damage to her ear and once the maggot was taken out, her earache went away.
EWW! I can't believe that so many different bugs can get into your ear! There have been stories in the past about spiders, even roaches living in peoples ears, but maggots?! As if I didn't have enough phobias to begin with, now I can add this one to the list. I'm glad that this woman is better now, but I would have a hard time sleeping after an incident like that one!
Images viaThinkstock/The New England Journal of Medicine