Tis' the season to be … healthy?! We have officially kicked off the Holiday Season! The turkey is long gone and now we are readying ourselves to continue the celebrations. Here are a few tricks that will help you get through the season without compromising your health and that sexy body you have been working on all year long.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Cómo hacer trampas en tu dieta ¡y aún así bajar de peso!
Set Goals: Christmas time means too many parties, too much food and traveling, and too little motivation and enthusiasm to get to the gym and exercise or to keep up with your diet. Setting goals like signing up for a marathon or having a hot dress to fit into for New Years will help you keep on going.
Exercise in the morning: The best time to exercise is in the morning–always! Not only do you get it done and over with, it gives you energy and sets the mood for the rest of your day. Jumping jacks, push-ups or simply a 20 minute high intensity workout can give you the workout you need.
Indoor activities: One of the best ways to stay on track over the holidays is to sign up for a series of classes. Play racket ball, swim, take spinning classes, or even do running or strength training mixed in. Whatever you do, don't stop!
The more the merrier: Get your friends and family to be healthy! There's no better way to stay on track than with peer pressure. Dare them to be fit like you, show them how awesome it is to be fit and healthy and you will both help each other to stay disciplined through the holiday season.
Don't overindulge: Just how can you keep yourself from eating too much? Easy as pie! Just start your meals with a large salad and a full glass of cold water. This way, your stomach will be full with a healthy meal that won't allow room for overeating. Also, stay active between meals. Take a walk, play Wii with the nephews, do any type of activity that will keep your mind off food and eating.
Eat before you go to the party: Eat your normal healthy foods before you go, so you won't be as hungry once you're there. You can still enjoy the delicious foods of the season, but eating something healthy before-hand will help prevent you from over-indulging.
Moderation is the key: You need to remember that you want to be healthy. It took you a while to get where you are now, don't throw it out the window! Enjoy your time with family and friends, and yes, allow yourself to have a sweet treat or two. Just remember to do it with moderation and compensate for the excess calories with exercise the following days.
Happy Holidays and a very Healthy and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!
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