If you feel like you've gained a couple of pounds, you may want to check your mood. A new study reveals that we gain most weight when we are happiest as opposed to when we're depressed. This is especially true if you are an emotional eater. More than 75 percent of emotional eaters were found to eat more than when life is good as opposed to when it's not.
Well, that would explain why certain jeans don't feel the same anymore!
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The study was conducted by psychologists at a Netherlands college where about 90 students were shown clips of different films and then presented with snacks such as a chips and chocolates to measure their caloric intake. The positive emotions caused by the feel good movie encouraged students to each more food than the ones who saw the negative film.
You might be wondering why some of us emotionally eat. One of the researchers in the study says that food gives us a rush of serotonin and can temporarily make us happy. Being happy means you're not concerned about what you should be eating and as a result you gain weight. When we live in the moment it's only inevitable we'll gain some pounds, but this can be dangerous.
The problem with overindulging in food is that it contributes to the obesity epidemic. But this tidbit may help those analyzing obesity since those studies tend to overlook the possibility of emotional eating. This also applies to couples who put on weight because they're happy in their relationship and are comfortable in their own bodies.
As great as it may be to indulge in your favorite foods, there is still some limit we should adhere to. It doesn't mean we have to stop eating what we like, but we should practice self control when it comes down to it. After all, the last thing you want to do is contribute to the obesity epidemic and not fit into your favorite pair of jeans. So enjoy that ice cream cone, but don't go beyond the serving amount!
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