We're pretty lucky that we can get pretty much any fruit or vegetable year round. I mean, if you have a guacamole craving in January, you can STILL get some of those great Hass avocados and make it. But I bet you know as well as I do that it's not going to taste quite as good as in the spring and summer, when avocados are in season.
When the seasons change from warm weather to autumn, though, what do you buy? I try to buy local and seasonal fruits and vegetables as much as possible because it pretty much guarantees that they'll taste better AND be healthier for me (you know, no pesticides if they're grown and flown from who-knows-where). If you're wondering what to shop for in grocery stores or at farmer's markets right now, then here's your ultimate guide to the 10 Latin fruits and vegetables to enjoy this Fall.
Read more ¿Que Mas? How to enjoy fresh summer fruits & veggies in the Fall (VIDEO)
1. Boniato: Also known as a Cuban sweet potato, camote, or batata, this Latin root veggie is featured in many recipes.
2. Chiles: A star especially in Mexican dishes, they are best in the early autumn.
3. Garlic: What Latino (or human being, really) doesn't love garlic? They're at their sweetest in late summer and early fall.
4. Mushrooms: This actually goes for wild mushrooms, but all (except for morels) are in season through fall.
5. Onions: Yes, we can and do buy these year-round from storage, but they're actually harvested this time of year.
6. Peppers: Whether you're a fan of the sweet or spicy kind, these are at the top of their game in early Autumn.
7. Pumpkin: The calabaza and its seeds, the pepitas, are best in September, October and November.
8. Spinach: Especially if you live in a cooler climate, spinach is best in the fall months.
9. Tomatillos: Common in Spanish and Mexican cuisine, these small tomato-like veggies are best for salsa in autumn.
10. Yuca: Also known as cassava, this is a root vegetable that we love to cook like a potato and are best bought right now.
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My personal favorite are tomatillos. Or is it yuca? Well, I can't go wrong with some pumpkin either. Actually, come to think of it, ALL of these sound delicious so I'll definitely be adding more of these in the coming months!
What fall veggie are you planning to serve up next? Share with us in the comments below!
Image via lynn.gardner/flickr