Check this out: a new British study has found one more amazing reason why you should seriously consider breastfeeding if you are going to have a baby! According to researchers, breastfeeding for six months can influence a woman's weight later on in life by reducing the risk of obesity as much as 30 years down the road. I think this are amazing news and they make me feel happier than ever that I breastfed both my children.
You've probably heard that breastfeeding helps you lose the weight faster after childbirth, but this is the first time that a study looks at the long-term effects of breastfeeding and weight loss.
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Published in the International Journal of Obesity, the study looked at data from nearly 750,000 women who participated in a broad investigation of British females aged 50 to 64 known as the Million Women Study. And it basically found this:
Overall, breastfeeding was associated with a modest, long-term reduction in body mass index, a measurement of height relative to weight. For every six months the women breastfed, their BMI decreased by about 1 percent on average.
A one percent reduction might not seem like much, but the truth is that this would "substantially reduce the number of obesity-related diseases and their costs," according to the authors of the study. I say anything that helps with the obesity epidemic we are currently facing is a plus!
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Although the study didn't really explain the reasons why breastfeeding can help a woman control her weight years down the road, I think the news need to be shared because I can only imagine that this would help convince a lot of moms who're on the fence about breastfeeding that this is a good thing not only for their little ones, but also for them!
I'm definitely happy I have my decision to thank for helping me with my weight for years to come!
What do you think of this study? Did you breastfeed your children? Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a comment below.
Image via Mothering Touch/flickr