Eating healthy isn't hard. I know you might think it's hard–or at least harder than what you're doing now–but it's really not that difficult. At least not if you set yourself up correctly. The easiest way to clean up your diet is to start cooking at home, which can seem like a daunting task, but once you have a few good wholesome recipes under your belt and all the necessary supplies, you can prepare healthful meals in less time than it takes to hit the drive through. Now, I'm not saying you need to go out and purchase all the newest kitchen gadgets at the local big box store, I'm saying that you should make sure your kitchen is thoughtfully stocked with truly functional tools that you will use on a daily basis. Check out my must-haves in the slideshow below.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 7 Foods that boost your weight loss and make you happy
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Microplane Zester

I'm obsessed with my Microplane, which I've now had for about eight years. I use it to add all the low- to no-calorie flavor enhancers to my food, including fresh garlic and lemon zest. And it grates hard cheeses beautifully. Microplane Zester, $14.99
Wooden Spoons

I've found that a wooden spatula and a wooden spoon are the only utensils I need to put together everyday meals. They are gentle on pans, can't melt and rarely burn, making them super-easy to use and long-lasting. Plus, they're pretty. Olive Wood Utensil Set, $39.95
Bamboo Cutting Board

Bamboo is sturdy and strong enough to not become marred by knife scars and is resistant to water seepage, making it a healthier alternative to softer woods, since it is less conducive to bacterial growth. It's also heavy enough not to slip and slide around when you're using it. Totally Bamboo Cutting Board, $14.99

It's my opinion that vegetables are tastiest when roasted. Plus, it's easy–just drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper, and roast until tender and browned. But without a silicone mat, you might have issues with the veggies sticking to your pan or the juices burning onto your pan. A Silpat avoids these issues altogether, making clean-up a snap. Silpat, $20.99
Chef's Knife

Good knives are expensive, but you don't need to spend hundreds on the whole set or opt for a cheaper version that will just frustrate you. Instead, buy one knife. All you really need for daily cooking is a good quality chef's knife. I prefer the eight-inch variety which I use to prepare every meal I cook. J.A. Henckels 8" Chef Knife, $54.99
High-Powered Blender

Upgrading to a high-powered blender will enable you to make healthy smoothies, juices, soups and sauces in not time at all. Plus, they usually have a larger capacity, so you could make larger amounts of things to freeze for easy, nutritious meals and snacks later on. Ninja Professional Blender, $87.25
Freezer Bags

Freezer bags aren't just useful for storing bulk and leftover meat. They are actually a super efficient and space-saving way to store healthy grab-and-go items and batch meals. Right now, I have homemade marinara sauce, whole wheat pizza dough, frozen fruit, whole wheat flax breadcrums and a bag of veggie scraps for making stock laying neatly in flat packages in my freezer. I also use them for storing leftover soups and stews, smoothie packs for throwing in the blender and more. Ziploc Gallon Size Freezer Bags 30ct., $4.46
Vegetable Peeler

My abuela may be a pro with a paring knife, but I'm not. I swear by a sturdy swivel-action vegetable peeler for getting the job done easily. From quickly peeling all manner of vegetables and fruit, to creating wide veggie strips for pretty salads and faux-noodle dishes, it's a must-have. Oxo Pro Swivel Peeler, $12.95
Box Grater

You may think a box grater is only good for grating bricks of cheese, but it's actually the perfect tool for shredding vegetables. I use it to shred carrots for salads and zucchini or sweet potatoes to add to my egg scrambles. Kitchenaid Box Grater w/ Storage, $17.99
Oil Mister

An oil mister has been on my wish list for some time now. Instead of buying those aerosol cans full of who knows what, you can fill a reusable mister with the healthy oil of your choice and use it not just for baking, but for adding a light layer to frying pans for sauteeing or over meat and veggies before roasting in the oven, for instant calorie control. Oil Mister, $14.95
Pepper Grinder

Along with some kosher salt, freshly cracked black pepper will make a world of a difference in the flavor of your dishes. And better flavor makes simpler dishes possible. For instance, vegetables roasted with just kosher salt, fresh cracked pepper and olive oil are out of this world yummy and so good for you. That powdery stuff in the can just doesn't stack up. OXO Good Grips Pepper Mill, $11.95
Sheet Pans

Roasting is a sure-fire way to bring out the best flavor in healthful whole foods. A rimmed sheet pan is essential for doing it sans oily, juicy messes in the bottom of your oven. You can cook everything–vegetables, fish,protein bars and healthy breakfast cookies on these bad boys. Half-Sheet Pan, $29.95