9 Amazing uses for apple cider vinegar

I'll admit, I'm a sucker for a good natural alternative to commercial products, especially one that is affordable and has a multitude of uses. Apple cider vinegar totally fits the bill, and you better believe I keep a bottle around at all times. Now, I mostly use it for cooking and cleaning, but there are actually tons of amazing uses for this powerful ingredient. Keep reading to see how you can start using it right now.

Read more ¿Qué más?: Apple cider vinegar drink will detox your body & help you lose weight

Pure ACV of any variety should work, but for the greatest health benefits, look for the organic or unpasteurized version still containing the "mother" –a brownish sediment that indicates the vinegar is unprocessed and has retained all of its original properties.


Clarifying hair rinse. Apple cider vinegar offers a gentle, chemical-free to clarify your hair and scalp, removing product buildup and dirt. It can even get rid of dandruff and soften your tresses.

Skin astringent. ACV can kill breakout causing bacteria and even be used to spot treat blemishes. Just use a 50/50 combination of vinegar and water and apply with a cotton ball.

Teeth whitener. You can either apply ACV directly to your teeth every few months or dilute it with water to use as a mouthwash on a more regular basis. Your teeth will be brighter and your breath fresher.


Gas aid. Instead of breaking out the Alka-Seltzer, try mixing a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a cup of warm water, sip like tea and you'll feel better in no time.

Wart remover. Soak a cotton ball in undiluted ACV, place over the wart, cover and leave overnight, repeat every night until the wart is gone. You may have to pick off some of the dead wart as you go.

Sore throat reliever. Gargle with diluted ACV (50/50) the way you would with salt water and the vinegar will kill the germs that are making your throat feel icky. Gargle a few times a day until your throat feels better.


Deodorizer. Fill a small bowl with apple cider vinegar and sit out in any malodorous room for as long as necessary to absorb the stink.

Weed killer. Poor directly on weeds as they pop up to eliminate those pesky plants from your gorgeous garden.

Fabric softener. If you have sensitive skin or you simply prefer to avoid chemicals in your laundry, try replacing commercial fabric softener with half a cup of ACV in the rinse cycle.

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