Some people are geniuses when it comes to coming up with fantastic ideas in the kitchen. Sadly, I am not one, but I am good at recognizing genius when I see it. Take for example this recipe or Mexican French toast rolls or dedos gitanos, if you prefer, created by Chef Pati Jinich, from Pati's Mexican Table on PBS. Look at them! They are gorgeous, delicious and you won't believe how easy they are to make! Genius, I tell you! Absolute GENIUS!
This is the kind of creation that kids and adults go crazy for. What I really love about this recipe is that it looks beautiful and complicated, but is actually rolled up simplicity sprinkled with sugar. How come these kinds of ideas never spontaneously occur to me? I guess that's because I'm not a genius in the kitchen. Ni modo, I'm still going to reap the rewards, though, and you can too.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Keep your avocado from turning brown with this simple trick!
Makes 6
6 slices white bread
Cajeta, La Lechera dulce de leche, nutella or any preserves
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Trim the crust from the bread. Flatten the slices slightly with a rolling pin. In the center of each bread slice, add about 1 teaspoon of the filling of your choice.
Roll the bread and the mixture like a cigar or a rolled taco; set aside until you finish all of the slices.
In a bowl mix the egg and the cup of milk, whisk until well combined. In another extended bowl, mix the sugar with the cinnamon.
Set a skillet over medium heat. Add a tablespoon of butter.
Soak the bread rolls in the milk mixture until fully coated. Add them to the hot pan, which should have the butter already melted, cook the rolls until they're golden brown and look fully cooked. Roll the fingers in the sugar and cinnamon mixture; they are ready to eat!
Image and recipe courtesy of La Lechera