Woman burns down entire house to kill a spider

We all have crazy insect phobias, but a woman in Hutchinson, Kansas took it a whole new level! The woman, 34-year-old Ginny M. Griffith, has been charged with aggravated arson after an attempt to kill a spider with a cigarette lighter resulted in a house fire. Instead of grabbing her nearest chancleta like most of us would have, Griffith decided to set towels on fire to get rid of the little critter. Talk about overkill.

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Five units from the local fire department had to visit the house to control the flames and it's unknown if the woman even succeeded in her mission. I'm thinking that spider probably walked away scratch-free!

It's hard to understand how anyone could think that using fire as pest control is a good idea, but good thing that no one was injured in the incident. According to the Hutchinson News, firefighters responded to the call at 1:36 a.m. early Friday and took minutes to handle the fire, which they said had multiple points of origin. Griffith was charged with aggravated arson charge because she shares a duplex and the other half was occupied. She was held in the Reno County jail on a $7,500 bond.

Phobias (and lack of common sense, really) can make people do crazy things to save themselves from perceived peril, but instead they could wind up endangering their lives or others. Thankfully, this fire didn't grow out of control and hurt someone other than the vermin.

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