Choose a color palette for your home with this new app

Ever look around your house, throw up your hands and realize that you have to redecorate? Well, maybe it's not quite so dramatic but I sometimes look around and want to spice things up a bit. I can’t really afford new furniture, though, so I try to think of other ways to change things around.

I once heard that the easiest way to change your wardrobe is to change your hair color, since everything will look a little different when you go from blond to brunette or brunette to red head (like I recently did). When I got the craving to do something in my home, I decided to apply this same change-the-color theory. That’s when I came across the new Sherwin-Williams app, Chip It!, which helps you instantly get the perfect color palette for your home.

So how does it work exactly? Well, basically, you can either download it onto your toolbar or your phone. Then you grab a photo you like, input in and the app instantly gives you the perfect complimentary colors for your home!

I tested it out with an image of my cat and, boy, is it right on-target! It came up with 5 colors that go really well together, based on the picture I provided.

I can see how something like this would get quite addicting, honestly. It’s so easy to use and can help you make a prettier home. So next time you’re looking to repaint the kitchen, take your favorite print and see what colors it comes up with. Or if you’re going to change the living room, why not do the same with a family photo? This app makes it so easy to find the perfect home color, you might even be inspired to redo the whole house.

What is the next room in your house that you’d like to repaint?

Image via Chip It!/Sherwin-Williams