The world went nuts when Kylie Jenner shared her first photo of daughter, Stormi, to Instagram. The baby's face is practically blurred out but the pic captured a sentimental moment with Kylie and her baby holding hands. In other words, the only thing we really got a clear look at was both their hands. But it never crossed my mind that someone would create an entire nail art design inspired by it.
More from MamásLatinas: 12 Insane nail art designs that might make you uncomfortable
If you're wondering if this manicure looks as creepy as it sounds. The answer is yes. Footage of the actual process to get these nails is worse than the finished product. The real question is: Who in their right mind would actually rock this look?
But first let me remind you of that Kylie Jenner baby announcement photo.
You know, to prepare you.
It’s gross-looking.
It’s literally a nail with a finger grabbing onto a baby hand. Ugh. It’s too hard to look at.
Also, it was created by the same nail spa that created the crazy Kim Kardashian butt nail art design.
Because of course!