Amiga, I'm just going to say one word and you'll know exactly what I'm trying to tell you when I say they're the bane of our existence: blackheads*.* They are horrible! Those stubborn little pores make us spend a lot of money on expensive exfoliators, creams, devices and scrubs when they invade our face. As women, we are pretty much predetermined to suffer from blackheads because our hormones tend to produce a lot of facial oil that clogs our pores. But don't get down, I have the solution here. This cinnamon mask will clear your pores in seconds!
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Stop wasting your money on facials, latest technology blackhead extractors and pricey exfoliators when you can just go to the kitchen a grab some cinnamon. Yes, cinnamon is a natural exfoliator and has properties that clears, cleans and heal pores from the inside out. The reason cinnamon is so good for your skin is because it has antiseptic properties. Cinnamon heals open wounds caused by acne and also absorbs the excess of oil.
Another reason to include cinnamon powder or oil in your beauty routine is to eliminate the presence of fine lines and wrinkles. Cinnamaldehyde is the main ingredient in cinnamon and it's is known to increase collagen levels on the skin. As you know, collagen is what keep our skin tight and when the levels are low it loses elasticity. I'm telling you, cinnamon is your face's best friend. This homemade mask is perfect to keep your skin clean and looking young.
Cinnamon Powder and Honey Mask
1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
Instructions: Mix both ingredients in a small bowl very well. Apply it directly on the blackheads, massage for a few minutes in a circular motion. Do it at night and leave it overnight. Rinse off in the morning with lukewarm water and your are done!
If you have a lot of blackheads you should apply this mask twice a week. You are going to be happy with the results and it cost nothing. Enjoy your new skin my friend, you deserve it!
Images via ion-bogdan dumitrescu/Flickr