With winter rearing its often ugly head, my skin and hair are screaming at me for a bit of extra TLC. I have really sensitive skin and tons of tempermental curly hair, so I need to be smart about the beauty products that I use. For the most part, I prefer to go the natural route. I'm thrilled that so many people have jumped on the natural bandwagon, because that means that products that once required a trip to the health food store, are becoming much more readily available–even at the local big box store. This new increased availability means that instead of spending time scouring store shelves for products with ingredents that I can pronouce, I can now rely on all-natural, often organic oils without any loss in convenience. Here, I've compiled some of my current go-to beauty oils as well as some that I'm excited to try in my battle against dry, dull winter skin and hair.
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Keep in mind that many big, commercial beauty companies are packaging up these oils or blends of them, adding a bit of fragrance and selling them for high prices. If you want to try those products, and you like them, go for it. But, if you want to save some money and still get all the beauty benefits, look for the pharmaceutical or food grade versions, and stay out of the beauty aisle. If you can't find the pure versions in-store, they are readily available online. Just try to find the least refined version possible.
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Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is excellent at treating skin problems, whether it be blemishes on your face, a dry irritated scalp or breakouts on your body. You can use a drop on a cotton ball for spot treatment (be sure to remove with plain water) or add a few drops into your hand cream and shampoo. Tea Tree Oil, $10.09
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil is a very gentle but effective moisturizer for hair and skin, making it a great option for people with sensitive skin. It can be used to unclog pores, relieve dry scalp and dandruff and even to ease the discomfort of razor burn. Organic Jojoba Oil, $9.84
Coconut Oil
Unrefined extra virgin coconut oil is the work horse of my beauty supplies. I use it for pretty much everything including moisturizing my skin, as an aftershave on my legs, to cleanse my mouth and whiten my teeth (oil pulling), to seal moisturizers into my hair, mixed with water as a leave-in conditioner for my toddler and even as a makeup remover. Organic Coconut Oil, $9.98
Jamaican Black Castor OIl
If you want hair growth, start using Jamaican Black Castor Oil. It's really taken off in popularity amongst the natural hair community because people have seen some serious results when it comes to hair growth when used reguarly. If you have thinner, less coarse hair, you can use it as a deep treatment that gets rinsed out, but if you have a coarser texture, you can use it layered on top of your other hair products to seal in moisture. Jamaican Black Castor Oil, $8.24
Maracuja Oil
Maracuja oil is excellent if you have dry, sensitive skin. It's so gentle that it can even be used around the eyes, and is said to not only be a great moisturizer, but to also have anti-aging properties. You can use a couple of drops in place of your moisturizer and eye cream at night, for a bright complexion in the morning. Maracuja Oil, $12.95
Grape Seed Oil
If you have skin that needs healing, grape seed oil is for you. It is a natural astringent, making it great for acne prone skin, but it can also help heal dry, cracked skin, sunburn, stretch marks, eczema and more. Organic Grape Seed Oil, $10.95