If you've ever visited a big city, a carnival or a state fair, chances are you've had a caricature done of yourself. You know, those drawing artists create that make you look like a crazy cartoon character. The last one I had of myself made me look like a Powerpuff Girl on acid, which is why I was shocked when I heard there was a 30-year-old woman out there who spent over $150,000 on plastic surgery just to look like her cartoon (pictured here). Is she for real? You HAVE to see her to believe it!
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Brit Krystina Butel has been obsessing over her caricature for the past 15 years. So much so, she's been getting plastic surgery to look more like it. "When I saw the caricature for the first time on holiday, I was jealous of it," she told reporter Pesala Bandara. "She was so glamorous. She was everything that I wanted to be."
Butel started undergoing plastic surgery procedures when she was just 17. She's had five breast enhancements, lip injections, Botox, teeth whitening and even semi-permanent makeup, all in efforts to look just as cartoonish as her caricature character. Did I mention she also got tattoos to make her nipples look heart-shaped?
The girl must be broke out of her mind because she's already spent more than $150,000 on all these treatments. How insane is that? Oh and apparently that's not enough for Butel, who plans on getting even more work done. Yes, you read right. She wants MORE work done! Butel still wants an eyebrow lift, butt implants, Botox fillers, lip implants and more breast augmentations. Mind you, her boobs are already a size 36K.
"I never think that I'm done for good with my plastic surgery. She shows me that there's never enough," she says regarding her caricature. "I'd love to have huge butt implants. What's the point of having butt implants if they're not massive?"
I have no idea how Butel used to look before, but I'm sure it was a hell of a lot better than how she looks now. She looks like a loca! What in the world lead her to believe that she needs to look like a cartoon in order to appear more beautiful and glamorous? I just hope she comes to her senses before it's too late. More plastic surgery could cost this woman her life!
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UC0r0ZYxbY
Images via YouTube.com