What did Christina Milian do to her hair?

Christina Milianhasn't been the same since she called it quits with fiancé, Jas Prince after two years of dating. She's been partying it up like crazy lately and rumor has it she's dating rapper, Lil Wayne—which is just weird.

Stranger than seeing her & Weezy all cuddled up at the ESPYs though is her new haircut. Christinashaved her hair off and I can not say it looks good.

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Christina posted a picture of her new look on Instagram with the caption: "#LookBackAtIt #WeAintWorried #TNT #TinaTurnUp &POPFee." I have no idea what any of these crazy hashtags mean, but I don't need a caption to see that the girl clearly shaved the back of her head and it looks like her friend, Felisa Mirasol joined in on the fun. Christina got the letters TNT shaved in while Felisa got some super funky designs. How is this cute?

I have to admit, I was actually surprised by Christina's new buzzcut. She's been trying to repair her heat-damaged hair back to bouncy curls for months. I don't understand why she had to mess things up by shaving the back of her head now.

Seriously, what's the deal with post-breakup haircuts? I can't tell you how many women I know who immediately chopped their hair off after a bad break-up. Look, I get that you want to start over, feel liberated and what not, but why take it on your hair? Not to say that short hair isn't sexy or anything, but impulsive decisions usually lead to lots of regrets–trust me! If you've been dying to try out a new bob or pixie cut that's one thing. But don't go all scissor-happy just because you're drowning in your emotions. There's other ways to make a change chica!

Image via Christina Milian/Instagram