EizaGonzález is constantly posting selfies (like all the time) so it's very rare she posts something that really captures my attention. But she recently posted a bikini pic of herself that showed off something I've never noticed before. Apparently Eiza has a tattoo and not just any tattoo. A tattoo right near her vagina. Who does that? You have to see this thing! I repeat, you HAVE to see this!
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Like I said, Eiza posts bikini pics literally all the time, especially after she gained weight for her role as Santanico in From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series. But this is the first picture that reveals her vagina tattoo, which makes me believe she must have had it done recently. I can't exactly make out what the tattoo is, but if you look real close it almost looks like stars. Problem is, if you lean back a little it almost looks like pubes. And this is cute, why?
Despite all the plastic surgery and the all the previous rumors surrounding her short lived romance with Miley Cyrus' ex, Liam Hemsworth, Eiza seems to be feeling a lot more comfortable in her skin lately. She's been posting more revealing pictures than she ever has in the past and now this new provocative tattoo. The caption for the vagina tattoo picture reads: "I feel more free than ever. I am the happiest I've ever been in my life following my dream and what I always wanted. I wouldn't change this feeling for anything. Fullness, I hope you all feel experience this too . #Freedom." Maybe From Dusk Til Dawn: The Series has something to do with all this confidence?
Either way, as distasteful as I find the vagina tattoos it's good to see Eiza in a good place in her life. There's nothing more satisfying than living out your biggest dreams. Good for her!
Image via Eiza Gonzalez/Instagram