I have to admit, I was pretty surprised but also ecstatic when I heard about American Eagle's new #Aerie Real Campaign. The lingerie brand that mainly targets teens and college women is known for always featuring flawless, skinny models in all of their ads. But not this time! Their latest campaign for their spring line of Aerie intimates features ONLY real looking women! It's about time right?
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And when they say real women, they mean untouched, airbrush-free models with love handles, cellulite, stretch marks and all. "We left everything. We've left beauty marks, we've left tattoos, what you see is really what you get with our campaign," said Jenny Altman, Aerie's Style and Fit expert. "We hope that by embracing this, real girls everywhere will start embracing their own beauty."
And it gets even better, they even plan on applying the airbrush-free makeover to their website. Pretty soon you'll be able to shop online and if you search for something like a DD bra, a model with your same bra size will appear on the screen. How awesome is that? Why isn't every lingerie and clothing brand out there doing this?
It might sound crazy, but the models featured on sites like Victoriassecret.com have always bugged me. I'll be on the site shopping for panties and now I suddenly want to lose weight, and feel down about my thigh cellulite along with all my other body imperfections. But you know what–those images are total BS. They are almost ALWAYS retouched.
We all have body insecurities of some sort, and these ads really don't help, especially with young women like the ones Aerie normally targets. I'm not saying that that the #Aerie Real Campaign is going to stop teen anorexia or other unhealthy eating disorders, I'm not even saying that it's going to necessary boost young women's self-esteems. But boy will it help!
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn_QgGlifiQ
Image via ae.com/aerie