American Apparel mannequins are now sporting FULL bushes, just because

Mannequins just don't do it for me. I rarely pay attention to them. I find them lifeless and boring, but I'm pretty sure that if I were walking in front of the East Houston American Apparel retail store in New York City right around now, the mannequins in their window display would stop me dead in my tracks. They seem to be doing that to many a passerby. These mannequins were set up as part of a Valentine's display and are specific to that store. What makes them special and so noticeable is that they are clad in see-throughish undies and are sporting full-on bushes. Oh yeah, they are making quite a pubic appearance. You see what I did there? 

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American Apparel mannequin with pubic hair

According to Ryan Holiday of American Apparel, "American Apparel is a company that celebrates natural beauty, and the Lower East Side Valentine's Day window continues that celebration. We created it to invite passerby's to explore the idea of what is 'sexy' and consider their comfort with the natural female form." Hahaha! Although, I admire the sentiment, we are talking about skinny-ass, life-sized dolls that conform to "model" standards with not a blemish or flaw on them other than those tell-tale seams; they also and happen to have pasted on pubes. Nothing natural about that.

Now before you think I got my panties and pubes up in a bunch over this display, I haven't. I actually think the display is funny. Nothing to get all up in arms about, but I also don't consider it some kind of feminist statement on behalf of American Apparel.

Images via Thinsktock and panic39clothing / Instagram