We all know that farts aren't the most pleasant smells around which is why you'll be excited to learn about Shreddies. Shreddies are a new pair of underwear which promises to neutralize stinky farts.
Hallelujah, isn't it a relief that some genius finally came up with this brilliant idea?! I've been saying for years something like this should exist. As a matter of fact, I think this would make the perfect couple's gift to exchange on Christmas day…
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The British company uses advanced technology to filter the unwanted gas. So how exactly does this work? A thin cloth that is made of Zorflex, a carbon material found in chemical warfare suits, is built in to the underwear. The material that makes up the cloth is intended to filter the smell of farts no matter how strong the odor may be.
The underwear was created specifically for those who suffer from digestive issues such as Crohns Disease, Colitis, and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). So far Shreddies have been sold in a few British retail stores and come in sizes for both men and women. The best part ladies, is depending on your underwear preference style, you can get them in briefs or boy shorts.
I don't know about you, but I think the creator behind Shreddies is onto something. How many couples fight over the fact that one partner has gas issues they can't handle anymore? Shreddies is not only a great way to sneakily mask farts, but it can save relationships too! Plus, your husband won't be able to "Dutch oven" you anymore, ladies!
Image via MyShreddies.com