Hmmm, I can't really decide how I feel about Aubrey Plaza's look from the Emmy awards tonight. On the one hand, I'm glad she sort of dared to try something different (I'm looking at you Sofia Vergara) and went for such a covered-up dress. I did love the details, especially the rhinestones adorning the high neck of the dress, but dare I say—it felt a little frumpy.
After landing her breakout role as a lead actress in this indie comedy The To Do List about a girl checking off sexual conquests before college, you'd think she'd be comfortable showing a little more skin! Check out the full length shot after the jump…
Read more ¿Qué más?: Emmy Awards 2013: What to look forward to this year!
It's a Marios Schwab gown with Neil Lane jewels, Rupert Sanderson shoes, and a Just Fab clutch. The overall look is nice enough, I guess, I'm just not feeling the buttoned-up everywhere feel. It offbeat and risky and Plaza is proving to be more a trend setter than a follower, so she's bound to have a hits and misses here or there.
I guess I just wanted to see more of her fun side on display on the red carpet. Maybe something long and slinky or short and shiny? I don't know, but she sort of looks like a member of The Adaams Family in this dress.
I have to say, I love Aubrey Plaza and think she has a super bright future. I can't wait to see what she's going to do on the next red carpet! I want to know what you think…