It looks like Rosario Dawson recently joined the bandwagon of celebs sporting half-shaved heads. The Sin City actress was recently spotted proudly sporting her new undercut. I honestly don't know whether to love or loathe this look. You couldn't pay me enough money to shave half my head. But I also don't have Rosario's stunning looks. Homegirl knows how to work it!
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Rosario posted a picture of the new style on her Instagram that read, "Cut it in October and been rocking a combover since … now recut for the summer and enjoying it in the NYC heat …!" She received well over 2000 likes and quite a number of positive comments from fans. One follower wrote, "Uuum … I think I am experiencing my first girl crush. Lol."
I have to applaud Rosario for having the courage to shave off half her head. Not everyone can part with long locks that easily (I know I certainly can't), and not everyone can rock such an edgy hairstyle. She's lucky that she not only has the face for it, but the attitude as well. In fact, the chick appears more carefree than ever post-shave. I'm just wondering if she really did do it because of the summer heat or for her new movie role. She was actually seen rocking the haircut while filming her latest film in N.Y.C., Finally Famous.
Either way it takes a certain kind of chica to pull this look off, a badass one like Rosario that's for sure. I actually think she looks just as good if not better than Rhianna and Cassie looked when they first had the half-shaved cut done. And believe me, that's a HUGE compliment. I'm curious to see if she winds up shaving the other side or gets bored with it and puts in extensions. I'll guess we'll just have to patiently watch and see.
Image via Instagram