The best ugly Christmas sweaters to wear this holiday

It's the time of year when celebrations take place big time. You may even have a holiday party every weekend this month and of course then there's the gift giving. And I think we can all relate when I saw we all have that one relative who thinks the ugliest piece of clothing is in. Usually it's your abuelita who thinks the sweater she crocheted fits you and that you'll actually wear it outside of the house.

Of course there are also those ugly holiday sweater parties people love throwing where you put on the most ridiculous Christmas get-up you can find. And, boy, are there some AWFUL holiday sweaters out there!

I'll admit I'm a sucker for the best worst Christmas sweater I can find. There's something appealing about wearing something so hideous proudly. I mean, not that I would wear it as a fashion statement–I'd hope no one did that, ha!

I recently gave my boyfriend what's considered an ugly Christmas sweater and not much to my surprise, he genuinely likes it! I'm not sure if giving him one was my best or worst mistake. But to be honest, it's not that ugly compared to lots of the other ones I've come across in my shopping endeavors.

Which is why I've compiled a list of the best worst ugly Christmas sweaters to exist. Just a warning, you'll be shocked at how ugly these bad boys are.

Jesus sweater


I know we're supposed to be celebrating Jesus' birthday on Christmas, but do we need to wear him on our chest? I think not.

Santas all around


We love Santa–just not all over our sweaters! We hope none of your abuelas give you one of these this year.

Light up Christmas tree


A lit up Christmas tree looks beautiful…a Christmas tree sweater that lights up, not so much. Can you get any tackier than a sweater with light bulbs?



This sweater will probably be worn by single men at every holiday party. All the coquito in the world wouldn't make a woman fall for this mess, ha!

Light up scottish terriers


I had a Christmas dress with a Scottish Terrier on it when I was a little girl. That was cute, however this is not. A light up dog sweater for an adult? Please!

Flame sweater


I'm not sure if this sweater portrays some cool baroque flames or a yule log. Whatever the case, the design at least makes it look like it's on fire and that wouldn't be such a bad idea!

Ugly wreath vest


Wreaths are great ornaments to hang in lieu of the holiday season. Wearing wreaths is not the most fashionable idea. But to be fair, it's probably the least ugly sweater on this list!