Huge Latino baby born weighing in close to 15 pounds!

Wait until you see the picture of baby Francisco Leon Ortiz who was born weighing almost 15 pounds! This child is HUGE. He was born on December 2 by Cesarean section to Yessica Ortiz Delgado at Grays Harbor Community Hospital in Washington. Francisco Leon Ortiz tipped the scale at 14 pounds, 11 ounces. This is not the first time that Yessica Ortiz Delgado gives birth to a big baby, her two other children came into the world weighing 12 pounds each, but Francisco was so big at birth that his daddy, Francisco Leon Diaz, had to run out and buy him new clothes because he didn't fit into the newborn clothes they had for him. Ready to see this big cutie?

Read more ¿Qué Más?: Latina mom gives birth to nearly 15 pound baby

Francisco Leon Ortiz born 14 pounds, 11 ounces

Look at him! I love his cheeks and the way he's "looking" into the camera, although he's so young he probably can't really see as far as the camera yet. He's a big adorable baby, but there is no way I would ever look at this picture without knowing he was a newborn and think that he was a newborn.

My kids were born around 7 pounds and 6 pounds each; they felt like tiny delicate little things. Francisco was born weighing more than both of them combined. That's a crazy way to put it in perspective, he's the size of about two average newborns put together. I can't even imagine!

Babies who are born as big as Francisco can have a host of health problems, but thankfully Francisco seems to be doing fine. He was in intensive care until Tuesday when he headed home. He'll be back for check-ups, I'm sure.

And what about his mami? She's doing well too.

I'm sending much love and well-wishes to this family.

Image via Thinkstock, Grays Harbor Community Hospital