Could this bra be the key to weight loss?!

If you're looking to figure out a way to stop yourself from stress-eating, you're in luck! Microsoft Research has just developed a bra that can apparently monitor moods and help regulate any emotional overeating. No, I'm not joking. This is actually a real thing!

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Apparently, sensors in the bra measure a woman's heart rate, respiration, and skin movement and send all the data to a smart phone app. In turn, these symptoms help indicate a specific mood, so a woman can keep track of how her emotional state affects her eating habits.

But don't expect these bras to work a complete miracle! The sensor pads, which are built into each woman's own bra, only work for about four hours until their batteries have to be recharged. Right…because obviously women have nothing else to do but overeat and recharge their bra batteries. Are these people nuts?!

I get the basic intent behind this project and all, but it seems pretty ridiculous to me, not to mention more than a little sexist. I mean, women aren't the only ones to overeat when stressed! And yet, considering their little contraption is placed inside a bra, it's very clear that's what they assume.

Plus, this hardly seems effective. After all, it's not like this bra zaps you with an electric current every time it senses you reaching for a chocolate bar. You have to continually check the app, which doesn't seem like something anyone is very likely to do when they're really stressed.

Call me old-fashioned, but I feel like we can't rely on technology for everything. And when it comes to managing stress, I think everyone is better off figuring out how to cope in a healthy manner on their own!

Image via Thinkstock