One man's divorce revenge plastic surgery unfortunately went horribly wrong. Vishal Thakkar had seen accredited president of the American Board of Cosmetics, Dr. Angelo Cuzalina in 2006 to get a nose job.
Thakkar's vanity resulted in more than 22 different procedures on his nose for over 12 years, which ultimately led to its removal. The man lost his nose! Now Thakkar is suing the prestigious surgeon and is demanding that his nose gets fixed. We warn you…the images are quite graphic…
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Thakkar had the surgery while living in Tulsa, Oklahoma and after his first surgery, he says he experienced minor breathing problems. In an interview with Fox 23, Thakkar says he then returned to Dr. Cuzalina eight more times that year to get his nose fixed. He claims that the surgeon violated his orders before a couple of the surgeries.
Thakkar requested that the doctor not remove cartilage from his ear to use on his nose before one operation but later saw that he had done just that. A second botched surgery happened after the doctor removed cartilage from Thakkar's ribcage–another order he disobeyed. The worst procedure of all was the last one he performed on Thakkar in 2011 after which he was left WITHOUT a nose.
This time the divorcee took the surgeon to court. He tearfully tells the TV station that he now has to breathe through a straw. "There is no way I am going to live like this. It is worse than being dead," he said. Dr. Cuzalina defended himself claiming that Thakkar had an infection, which is why he had to remove his nose. He added that he and the patient had a strained relationship as proven in conversation recordings between them in his office.
Thakkar also argued that Dr. Cuzalina had prescribed him excessive medication which could have killed him. For now his main concern is getting his nose repaired to look humanly again, but that may take up to 30 surgeries to do so.
This story can easily scare anyone away from plastic surgery! I feel bad for Thakkar, but I think after the first two times this surgeon screwed up, I would have seen a different doctor. He definitely needs to get his nose repaired because the poor man can't even breathe! We hope he can get his surgery as soon as possible and that he wins his lawsuit against this doctor who should have used MUCH better judgment.
Image via Fox 23