Overprotective mom pays salary of armed officer to protect her daughter’s school

Just WHAT exactly is the world coming to when a mom has to pay out of her own pocket to protect her own child at school? Shocked? Appalled? Understand where she might be coming from? Well, you're not alone! That is what is happening in Flagler Beach, Florida, where a mother has agreed to pay for an armed deputy to patrol her child's elementary school until the end of the year, at the cost of $32 per hour! I honestly can't even imagine spending that  much money for what is essentially private security for my kid but, on the other hand, I can't even imagine being so afraid for your child's life that this is the most sane option.

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According to the News-JournalOnline.com, he mother, Laura Laurie, has already paid the Flagler County School District upfront in order to add a full-time armed deputy (since they had none) to the staff of Old Kings Elementary school until the end of the school year. Although superintendent Janet Valentine responded with: "I don't know how you say no to such a wonderful gesture," and I do agree with that, I also think it's borderline insane for a mother to have to resort to this.

This mom is definitely walking the thin line between just the right amount of protection and concern for your kids and the crazy overprotective line of being borderline annoying to your kids and others. Personally, I think this actually says a LOT more about our current state of affairs than anything that this clearly overprotective mom is doing. What does it say about our society that a woman has to hire an ARMED police officer to protect her young daughter?

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I think it's absolutely terrible that our gun control laws are so loose that there have been FAR too many shootings in the past 6 months. Starting with the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting to yesterday's Texas Lone Star College shooting, and, most memorably and most recently, the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, this is out of control and I personally cannot WAIT to see what President Obama and Vice President Biden, who is heading up gun control legislation and working on a plan, do about this problem in the second term. It shouldn't be up to mothers to pay for armed guards to protect their kids. Instead, it is my firm belief that we as a society need to figure out a way to deal with guns better.

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