Every parent knows how hard it can be to get your kids up, ready, and out the door in the mornings, but it's all in a day's work, right? Apparently not for 34-year-old California mom, Lorraine Cuevas. She let her two children skip so much school that she's now being sentenced to six months of jail!
Cuevas reportedly allowed her kids, a second grader and a third grader, to miss a total of 116 days of middle school without a valid excuse. That adds up to almost 4 months of absences!
Even after the district's superintendent sent her multiple letters and made several phone calls warning her about the consequences of her children's absences, Cuevas continued her irresponsible behavior—and now she's paying the price. Recently, the mom pled guilty to the state's new truancy law (which keeps record of each kid's presence in school and is typically enforced by school officials), and was sentenced to 180 days in prison.
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Wow! There's no question that Cuevas' behavior was negligent and unacceptable. After all, as a parent, it's your job to establish rules and make sure your kids do what they have to do to succeed at school–not just sit by and let them do whatever they want.
But even though I know Cuevas was not completing her duties as a mom, I still can't help think that the sentencing seems a little excessive. I mean, that's 6 full months!
Regardless, there IS one lesson to be learned here: Parents should think twice before letting their kid stay home from school…or at least make sure to get a doctors note!
Image via Police Handout