A miracle! That's what Shelagh McAlpine must have thought when the baby she was told had died in utero was born alive. McAlpine was 28 weeks pregnant when her placenta separated from the wall of her uterus and she started bleeding heavily back in April. She was rushed to a hospital in Scotland, where doctors tried desperately fo detect her unborn baby's heartbeat.
It took them seven minutes to do so, but then they discovered a life-threatening blood clot in her arms and holes in her lung and heart. After an emergency C-section, McAlpine's premature baby girl, Mia Rose, was born and had to be rushed to another hospital for life-saving surgery to remove the blood clot. During that operation they actually discovered she had another one. Fortunately, doctors were able to remove both of them successfuly.
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Mia Rose, who was born weighing only 2 pounds 10 ounces, also received ten blood tranfusions. McAlpine had to get two blood transfusions herself because the placental abruption nearly took her life as well. She then had to wait five days after Mia Rose was born to be able to visit her since she wasn't healthy enough to do so before that time.
While Mia Rose spent the first three months of her life at the hospital fighting for her life, she's now been home with her parents and older sibling since the beginning of August and her family calls her "a miracle." I must say I absolutely love stories like this one because they make me realize that it's not all doom and gloom in this world.
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I can't even begin to imagine what McAlpine must have felt when she started bleeding heavily and had to be rushed to the hospital. One of the things I worried about the most the two times I was pregnant was seeing any kind of bleeding. But neither McAlpine nor baby Mia Rose ever gave up and they fought with everything they had to stay alive. Amazing, don't you think?
What do you think of stories like this one? Do you agree that it's miraculous? Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a comment below.
Image via tamakisono/flickr