Fun ideas for teaching your kids Spanish on car trips

With the weather getting nicer all over the country, like me, you probably have plans to take a road trip soon. I love going on road trips, but now that the kids are no longer babies, it's gotten a bit harder to maintain them entertained–despite the million gadgets and toys they have at their disposal. I'm sure the same thing happens to you, so why not take advantage of these trips to teach your children some Spanish or add on to the vocabulary they already know. 

There are so many fun ways to do this and the best part is that your kids won't even know they're actually learning!

  • Veo, veo — This is the Spanish version of I spy and it goes something like this:


-Veo, veo.
-Qué ves?
-Una cosita.
-¿Con que letrita es?
-Con la R.

  • De colores — There are many ways to practice the colors in Spanish when you're on car trips. For starters, you could use the signal lights to teach your children about those three colors by explaining that verde means go and rojo means stop, for example. Another option is for you to say a color out loud and ask the kids to point out things that are that specific color, but they have to call those things out in Spanish.

  • A cantar — Who doesn't like signing in the car? You can get a CD full of Spanish music for children or just create a Shakira station in Pandora and sing along. Or, if your kids are much younger, you could just teach them some traditional Spanish songs for children like Los pollitos dicen or Arroz con leche. If you're looking for a fun children's music CD, try Moona Luna, I promise it'll be a hit!

Can you add any other ideas to teach your kids Spanish on car trips?

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