This ad for a pregnancy test misses one HUGE detail & it’s hilarious

Pregnancy is no joke. You deal with morning sickness, fatigue, and swollen feet (and the list goes on!), but that doesn't mean that there aren't funny moments that come with bringing another life to this world. An ad from the Netherlands for a pregnancy test really just mocked the process of peeing on a stick in the best way possible. Check out the ad that has gone viral and see for yourself.

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According to AdWeek, the ad was made by a Dutch agency and it's pure genuis. When you first look at it, you see a surprised couple staring at a pregnancy test looking shocked. Now that's normal, but she's already very, very pregnant, basically saying the test is more reliable than her own belly. Um, sure!

The product featured is called Etcetera for the Predictor pregnancy-test brand. While the ad was made back in 2011, user Alex Romero resurfaced it and got over 18,000 retweets. Because we can use a laugh these days, right? Have you seen the news lately?

Baby bumps and peeing on a stick makes for great humor–always.


Image via Alex Romero/Twitter