‘Teen Mom’ Farrah Abraham gave her 7-year-old daughter weight loss tea because of course she would

There are just some parenting basics that we should all live by, including not giving your child laxatives to lose weight. But that's exactly what 'Teen Mom' star Farrah Abraham is getting accused of. The reality TV star posed with her 7-year-old daughter Sofia while promoting a weight loss tea and it's just totally weird. Take a look for yourself. What's wrong with this picture? 

More from MamásLatinas: Teen Mom' star Farrah Abraham defends daughter's sexy bikini pics & it's infuriating

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The 25-year-old star took this photo with her daughter and posted the caption, "Teatime @flattummytea @sophialabraham & I- after all that candy." This statement, along with little Sophia posing as if she's drinking from the cup, suggests that she's letting her daughter try out the laxative product. 

I'm sure Abraham gets paid to promote certain products online, but this was just not settling well with some of her followers. One person wrote:

"You really are an assclown @farrah__abraham and absolutely the worst parent on the earth, hands down! Your poor kid … and just when you thought 30 years of intense therapy would help her, you pull this. You're so disgusting and absolute garbage."

Celebs pose with weight loss products all of the time, but they don't include their kids in the mix. Abraham should really take some notes. She cleared up the controversy with Us Weekly and said, "She has strawberry milk and I have my tea."

Why would she include her daughter in the caption then? I think she was suggesting that they both needed to drink the weight loss tea. I'm not sure if Abraham really takes a second to think things through before she posts, but she really should for the sake of her daughter's safety and positive identity. 

She may be making money for her family with these posts, but it's all about how she executes them because they could cause more harm than good. 

Image via Farrah Abraham/Instagram