10 Relationship lessons we can all learn from Zoe & Marco Saldana

There's love and then there's the sort of love that abandons all reason and convention. Zoe Saldana is living that type of dream romance with her husband Marco, who ended up changing his name from Perego to Saldana. The backlash over his decision seems so silly to me. As Zoe pointed out, women change their surnames all of the time without anyone blinking an eye. The Saldanas (sounds so sweet!) are the couple we all want to be. We can learn a few lessons in love from their beautiful marriage. Let me count the ways. 

Read more ¿Qué más?: You will NEVER believe what Zoe Saldana wants to change about her body

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Agree on the important stuff

Zoe Saldana/Instagram

For a marriage or relationship to have longevity, you have to be on the same page about important life issues. Zoe and Marco agree about making sure their family is safe and vaccinated, but it doesn't have to be that serious. It could be as trivial as agreeing on when laundry day should be. Actually, cleaning dirty underwear can be pretty serious too!

Share a hobby

Zoe Saldana/Instagram

Life and work schedules can be pretty complicated. When you do have free time together, you want to spend it doing something you both love and enjoy. Zoe and Marco are all about enjoying romantic hikes along with their twin boys Cy and Bowie.

Keep an air of mystery


The Latina actress makes sure to protect her relationship by not sharing too many details. This way the outside world can't judge on their love or add their negative energy into the relationship. The same applies in our lives. This is a sure way to keep the metiches out!

Occasional PDA is a good thing


The Saldanas aren't all over each other at red carpets, but there are those rare occasions when you can spot them sharing a kiss. PDA keeps the romance alive and makes you feel loved and desired. Go ahead and make it happen!

Give social media love

Zoe Saldana/Instagram

Zoe may not share too much about her romance, but she does give her husband plenty of love on social media. The caption to this adorable photo was, "My heart. My soul. My love."

Be spontaneous


Life can get pretty routine, so make sure to continue having new adventures with one another. Zoe did just that by pole dancing in a train while sharing laughs with Marco. Classic!

Be passionate in bed


Having a spark in the bedroom and knowing how to keep it is key. Saldana told Cosmo for Latinas, "To be uninhibited. I'm not talking about bringing in a third person or watching porn all night: That's what leads people to believe they are amazing in bed when they're the worst ever. Pornography is not sex education–it's the opposite! Don't allow insecurities to close you off. Be creative."

Show devotion


In 2014, Mr. Saldana decided to honor his loving wife by getting her face tatttoed on his arm. Now this won't be easy to hide or laser off if they split one day! That type of devotion is priceless–and applies to all relationships, even it doesn't involve permanent ink! "It was the most romantic thing! I didn't stop him, but I did sort of try to talk him out of it," the actress told People.

Be grateful for one another

Zoe Saldana/Instagram

Zoe posted this beautiful photo with the caption, "Thank you for being born and for being the most precious creature in my universe." Showing gratitude for one another helps maintain a spiritual and emotional bond that can't be broken.

Treat each other as equals


Marco sees his wife as his equal and is willing to go to great lengths to prove it. He recently changed his last name from Perego to Saldana. She told InStyle, "I told him, 'If you use my name, you're going to be emasculated by your community of artists, by your Latin community of men, by the world.' " His response was, "'Ah, Zoe, I don't give a s**t.'" Pretty romantic!